Monday 2 August 2010 – the technical history – Part 1

Music Chakra website and all the nuts and bolts behind is as fascinating as the business idea. When Music Chakra idea was conceptualised about a year ago, the presence of a technical partner founder did helped in integrating the concept with the technology that will eventually drive the idea.

As the idea was talked upon, we realised it was getting huge in terms of resources and effort required to technically execute it. We had to limit the scope of it and divide into phases for real, happening journey. But should I tell you, it was not easy at all. So many questions were being raised, so many thoughts going on. Choosing what to have in each phases, how many phases to have, what should we start in phase 1... And can you believe we spend about 3 months on this..oops.

After deciding what will be in phase 1, designing the website architecture and the whole technical flow of it, we suddenly realised this won’t be turning into live thing with kind of money or skilled technical people we had. And with no investor in sight around, even the things included in phase 1 were trimmed down to;

  1. A clean simple website with easy flowing text to read and grasp.
  2. The concept behind the idea in easy to understand text with no flash or complicated animation
  3. A roadmap page cleanly showcasing the next 3 months features that will be added to the website.
  4. Free anybody to view Opus/Music based Applications with a profile page and other related pages.
  5. Atleast 2 opuses to start with upto 2 in each chakra in 3 months time.
  6. Use of social tools to spread the content easily in the online world

So to move things forward we chose few features in Phase 1 which we have to eventually call as Phase 0.5a due to the very few things added to make the website live. After deciding on the features, things came to deciding very technical requirement of achieving those features. The architecture or the website framework was not difficult as we were not looking for the complicated features at this time. Still a framework was designed which we will talk more in second part of this article. Next, technical requirements like which platform, Linux or windows, which programming language, Mostly Microsoft .Net or some Open source like PHP Language was to be made. Just to remind, it was decided right from start that the website would use different technologies to provide different features needed and would be able to connect with different technologies to make a highly interactive platform. However in Phase 0.5a, due to the available resources in terms of an existing Linux Server, available PHP/MySQL skilled developers, the technical platform chosen was;

This was the introduction of how we came up with the technical map of website. In next part, I will show you the framework or architecture designed for phase 0.5a along with kind of reusable shared code used (due credits to the people who wrote that codes).

To summarise, MusicChakra is an idea in continuity.. as the river flows bringing new life air along with it..Music Chakra as an entity, as a Music platform will usher in new music inspirations, new music ideas, new technical learning to enable spreading the magic of music.. Please enjoy the ride.. and do contribute in whatever way you can....see you soon