Thursday 15 July 2010

What is a MusicChakra is a point which every musician passes through. Music is, in our opinion, an essential part of life providing an energy that affects every part of your life. Therefore a journey though music is a lot like a wheel, so we have taken the concept of Chakra and added a little musical colour and characteristic.

We have found that there are 7 points or MusicChakra's that everyone will pass through on their musical journey. These are Know, Appreciate, Learn, Create, Teach, Promote & Enjoy. We see the journey as a constant cycle or wheel where you pass through each point time and time again.

To start your journey you must KNOW music, the sounds and the feelings. You will KNOW how it makes you feel and you will KNOW you enjoy listening to it. As this grows you begin to APPRECIATE different styles of music and nuances of sound. You know what you instantly APPRECIATE or like, and you know what you don’t. This often stems from the music you instinctively know from your childhood. From this point you can start to LEARN more about the music you appreciate or start to understand and therefore appreciate music you are not too sure about on first hearing. This will lead you to CREATE new sounds and styles with the new knowledge. As you become confident with this new knowledge you will start to share it with others and TEACH it yourself. Your new understanding has led you to find a new style of music you enjoy and you will start to tell others about it, to PROMOTE it, this is natural as we all like to talk. At the end of the journey, we have found we ENJOY something new; something that at one time was not understood but through the natural journey through the Music Chakras has grown in understanding and you are ready to start again, to begin to KNOW something new....

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